2024 Trends and Colors in Custom Furniture

2024 Trends and Colors in Custom Furniture


With the advancement of technology and the development of society, the home design industry is undergoing unprecedented changes. As an important part of home design, the trends and color choices of custom furniture not only reflect consumers' aesthetic concepts and lifestyles but also embody designers' innovative spirit and the industry's technological progress. At the time point of 2023, we can look ahead to the new trends and colors of custom furniture in 2024.


1. Parallel Smartization and Sustainability: In the future custom furniture market, smartization and sustainability will be two important trends that go hand in hand. Smartization will mainly be reflected in the intelligent control and operation of furniture, such as smart lighting, temperature control, and air purification functions, providing consumers with more convenient and personalized services. At the same time, with the enhancement of environmental awareness, the furniture industry will also pay more attention to the development of sustainable materials and technologies, such as the use of recycled materials, low-carbon production processes, and circular economy, to promote the green and sustainable development of the entire industry.

2. Cross-border Integration and Cultural Diversity: With the globalization and cultural exchange, the design of custom furniture will pay more attention to cross-border integration and the expression of cultural diversity. Designers will draw inspiration from other artistic fields, nature, and even technological products, integrating different cultures and elements into furniture design, creating works that are both unique and in line with modern aesthetic demands. This trend will make custom furniture more innovative and personalized, meeting the diverse needs and aesthetic concepts of consumers for home space.

3. Personalization and Customization: Consumers' demands for home space will become more diverse and personalized, and future custom furniture will focus more on personalization and customization. Consumers will be able to choose custom furniture products that suit their needs in terms of size, color, style, and functionality, achieving true "tailor-made." This trend will drive the development of the custom furniture industry, meeting the different needs of consumers for home space, and also providing designers and manufacturers with greater innovation space and business opportunities.

4. Health and Comfort: With the improvement of living standards, people's requirements for the health and comfort of home environment are also increasing. Future custom furniture will pay more attention to factors such as ergonomics, air quality, and lighting conditions, to provide a healthier, more comfortable, and livable home environment. Some high-end custom furniture brands have begun to focus on these factors and have launched a series of custom furniture products with health and comfort functions to meet consumers' pursuit of high-quality home life.


1. Natural Color Palette: With the enhancement of environmental awareness, the natural color palette has become an important choice for custom furniture. Colors such as wood, gray, and beige not only have natural and warm characteristics but also can coordinate with various interior decoration styles, showing a simple and fashionable aesthetic. In the future, we may see more custom furniture made of natural materials such as wood and bamboo, which will be combined with the natural color palette to create a more natural and comfortable atmosphere for home space.

2. Neutral Tones: Neutral tones such as white, black, and gray will continue to play an important role in custom furniture. These colors not only have extremely high flexibility in matching but also can create a simple, modern, and high-end visual effect. In the future, these neutral tones may be combined with various popular elements to create a more rich visual effect.

3. Warm Tones: Warm tones such as red, orange, and yellow can bring a warm and pleasant psychological feeling to the home space, becoming an indispensable part of custom furniture. These colors can be used for partial decoration or embellishment, adding a touch of brightness and vitality to the home space. In the future, we may see more custom furniture designs using warm color elements to meet consumers' pursuit of a warm and comfortable home environment.

4. Bright Colors: With the rise of young consumer groups and changes in aesthetic concepts, the application of bright colors in custom furniture will gradually increase. Bright colors such as blue, green, and purple can bring vitality and creativity to home space, showing a young, fashionable, and personalized style. In the future, we may see more custom furniture designs using bright colors to meet the young people's pursuit of personalized and fashionable.


1. In the future custom furniture market, Ever Glory Fixtures has a clear outlook and plan. We will keep up with industry trends, innovate and break through continuously, to meet consumers' demands for health, comfort, and environmental protection. Specifically: Developing Smart and Sustainable Custom Furniture Products: We will focus on developing smart and sustainable custom furniture products, providing consumers with more convenient, personalized, and environmentally friendly custom furniture products by introducing advanced smart control technology and environmentally friendly materials.

2. Emphasizing Cross-border Integration and Cultural Diversity: We will focus on cross-border integration and the expression of cultural diversity, drawing inspiration from other artistic fields, nature, and even technological products, integrating different cultures and elements into furniture design, creating works that are both unique and in line with modern aesthetic demands.

3. Providing More Personalized and Customized Home Solutions: We will provide more personalized and customized home solutions based on consumers' needs, including personalized choices in size, color, style, and functionality, achieving true "tailor-made" solutions.

4. Keeping up with Market Trends, Introducing Color Series that Suit Different Consumer Aesthetic Needs: In terms of color choices, we will keep up with market trends, introducing natural color palettes, neutral tones, warm tones, and bright colors series that suit different consumer aesthetic needs. We will pay attention to changes in consumers' aesthetic concepts, constantly adjust and update our product series to meet the needs of different consumers.

IV. Conclusion

We believe that in the future of home design, Ever Glory Fixtures will win more consumer trust and love through outstanding quality, innovative design, and attentive service. We look forward to collaborating with more consumers and partners to create a beautiful, comfortable, and healthy home life together.

Our goal is not only to provide custom furniture products but also to build a comprehensive home solution platform, offering one-stop services from design, production, sales to after-sales. We will continuously innovate to adapt to market changes and the growing demands of consumers.

In summary, Ever Glory Fixtures has clear strategic planning and goals. We will focus on innovation, quality, and service to win more consumer love and trust, creating a better, more comfortable, and healthier home environment together.

Ever Glory Fixtures,

Located in Xiamen and Zhangzhou, China, is an outstanding manufacturer with over 17 years of expertise in producing customized, high-quality display racks and shelves. The total production area of the company exceeds 64,000 square meters, with a monthly capacity of over 120 containers. The company always prioritizes its customers and specializes in providing various effective solutions, along with competitive prices and fast service, which has earned the trust of many clients worldwide. With each passing year, the company is gradually expanding and remains committed to delivering efficient service and greater production capacity to its customers.

Ever Glory Fixtures has consistently led the industry in innovation, committed to continually seeking the latest materials, designs, and manufacturing technologies to provide customers with unique and efficient display solutions. EGF's research and development team actively promotes technological innovation to meet the evolving needs of customers and incorporates the latest sustainable technologies into product design and manufacturing processes.

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Post time: May-20-2024